Pros And Cons Of Installing Paint Protection Film On New Cars

Bought a new car and worried about the new car’s paint? Well, you have visited the right page for it. If you are worried about your New Car Paint Protection issues then using a paint protection film is the right choice. This page will tell you everything you need to know about new car paint protection including the pros and cons of using it.

Paint protection film (PPF) is a polyurethane-based compound that is used to protect the paint surface of a car. It is a transparent substance that is scratch-resistant. Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of using a PPF in your newly brought car.




  • PPF provides an enhanced finishing to the car. There are various PPF available such as matte or gloss finish. Applying this can instantly enhance the looks of your car and make it more appealing.

  • It is been seen that many paints leave some adhesive marks after applying. PPF plays a great role in reducing glue residues.

  • PPF protects against harmful chemicals since it is infused with several layers of protective materials. Moreover, it also protects against stains and also helps in the reduction of pain damages because of small pebbles.

  • In many situations, your car has to stay exposed to direct sunlight. PPF is very useful in such situations because they have very high-temperature resistance.

  • The most advantageous property of using PPF is the self-healing property. PPF instantly heals minor scratches without taking time. This is done by simply applying minor heating on the scratched surface. This will greatly help your car to retain its look.

  • After a time cars surface corrodes due to environmental factors. PPF helps to prevent the surface from corrosion.


  • There are various types of PPF available. The only problem is that each of them does not provide the same and all kinds of protections. In simpler words you can say that all PPFs are not the same, some are better than others.

  • Some PPFs are very expensive. Hence, if you want to apply an expensive PPF on your car, then make sure that you will be having that car with you for a long time.

After understanding the pros and cons of installing paint protection film on new cars, now you have received a better idea to implement for your car or Auto Paint Protection, so get the best deal with choosing the right service for your vehicle.


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